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Belicza kata - aerial yoga instructor

I am Katalin Belicza, a lover of dance and movement. I started my studies with classical ballet, then I got to know different styles of dance (modern, musical, theater dance). 
I also obtained a sports coaching qualification, but dancing occupied my attention much more.
I got a taste of the circus world in Italy, and later I had the opportunity to join a traveling circus in France as a dancer. I consider it one of the best decisions I have ever made, as I was completely fascinated by his circus world. I always watched the aerial acrobats with open mouth and managed to try out a few devices, but I couldn't overcome my fears completely, so I stayed close to the ground. I spent 4 years traveling (France, England, Scotland, Ireland) and then came home. 





















I felt lost at home and started practicing law. It helped a lot, but something was really missing. When I went to my first Air Yoga class, I immediately felt that this is what really frees me. Yoga, where I can focus on my inner peace, gives me self-confidence and vitality. I have overcome my own problems with it and the aerial acrobatic elements make me happy, liberated and proud. I want to pass on this feeling. Everyone can do it, you just have to believe that you can do it. 

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